Golden Yolked Free Range Eggs (Tray - 30 eggs)
Golden Yolked Free Range Egg Tray (30 eggs)
Eggs are available in large or medium sizes
Extra Golden Yolks, your family will love them! Dripping golden yolks when poached and you'll see the difference in your bright and tasty sponges, they are a perfect kitchen staple.
Buy your eggs direct from the farm for your family and perfect if you are taking up a little extra baking.
Recreate some of our amazing Yolk Farm dishes or get the rolling pin out! Our free range hens are allowed to forage in our fields, returning to their perches to roost. We collect their eggs daily, meaning they are the freshest possible for you, perfect for poaching.
Because they are so fresh (>20 days BBF), you can order with confidence that you’ll get through them!
Sold in boxes of 6 eggs.